As recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), all passengers on international flights from Kota Kinabalu International Airport will be screened for liquids, aerosols or gels (LAGS) that may be used in improvised explosive devices.
You may carry LAGs by following these simple steps:
01 Place all liquid containers in a clear plastic bag. (Each container should not exceed 100ml / 100gm / 3.4oz and the maximum capacity in one bag should not exceed 1 litre).
02 Show the plastic bag with the LAGs to airport security personnel at the security screening checkpoints.
Liquid items include:
Hair gel, shoe gel, lotion, oil
Liquid-Solid mixture such as pudding
Pressurised containers such as shaving foam & deodorant
Water / Drink, Soup
Liquid cosmetic
Other items with similar consistency
You can still
01 Pack LAGs in your checked-in luggage.
02 Carry baby milk, baby food, prescribed medicines with a name that matches the one on the passenger ticket, as well as insulin and other essential non-prescribed medicines.
03 Buy any LAGs items beyond the security check point including at duty-free shops or in flight. Items purchased must be packed in sealed/stapled plastic bags and accompanied by proof of purchase upon presenting them at the security checkpoints.
Certain items are restricted from being brought on board the aircraft.
Restricted for checked-In and cabin Luggage
Explosive Materials
Flammable Materials
Radioactive Materials
Replica Weapons
Weapon & Ammunitions
Restricted for cabin luggage only
Self-Defence Weapons
Sharp Items
Toy Guns